Monday, September 08, 2008

Answers to Friday's Brain Teaser! - Pop Icons

1. In which state of the USA was Elvis Presley born?
2. Which British singer and songwriter was the lead singer of Queen, which he founded in 1971?
Freddie Mercury.
3. "Ciccone" is the original surname of which famous American pop singer and actress?
4. Which US pop singer's debut single and album were called "Baby One More Time"?
Britney Spears.
5. What is the real name of the member of the Spice Girls known as "Posh Spice"?
Victoria Beckham.
6. Which American singer and composer was born in Duluth, Minnesota, and modelled himself at first on Woody Guthrie?
Bob Dylan.
7. Which singer's 1999 album "hours..." was one of the first by a major artist and a major label to be offered as a digital download?
David Bowie.
8. Which US singer won an Academy Award for Best Actress in "Moonstruck" (1987)?
9. Which Welsh singer was described as "sweat personified" and "the man who made the Chippendales possible"?
Tom Jones.
10. Which American singer made her Broadway debut as Miss Marmelstein in the musical "I Can Get It for You Wholesale" in 1962?
Barbra Streisand.

Questions set by Tony Augarde, author of "The Oxford Guide to Word Games"

How did you do?

0 - 1 Mmmm, not exactly brilliant.
2 - 5 A reasonable stab.
6 - 8 A good showing. But there's still room for improvement!
9 - 10 You really know your stuff. Well done!
[Photo courtesy of nicholas macgowan's photostream in the Creative Commons]

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