Tuesday, September 21, 2021

National, "Dear Diary," Day - 2021!


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Logue Library remembers that September 22nd marks the annual literary event - "Dear Diary Day!"

According to the website, National Day Calendar, a Diary is "also known as journaling, studies have shown expressing our thoughts in a written form every day reduces anxiety and stress.  It also broadens our vocabulary and language skills."

The website WikiHow, provides tutorials on this subject, "How to Write a Diary," and "How to Write A Diary Without Getting Bored," Topics covered are shown below:

(1) Brainstorming Topics

(2) Creating Personal Entries

(3) Getting into a Routine 

(4) Finding Things to Write About

(5) Exploring Writing Strategies

(6) Using the Right Materials

Image titled Write a Diary Step 13

Here are some books from Logue's Catalog on this topic...




Dear World : Contemporary uses of the diary

Author: Kylie Cardell

Summary: "In Dear World, Kylie Cardell is sensitive to how changes to our notions of privacy and the personal--spurred by the central presence the Internet has come to occupy in our daily lives--impact how and why diaries are written, and for whom. She considers what these new uses of the diary tell us about the cultural politics of self-representation in a time of mass attention to (and anxiety about) the personal."

Diary Fiction: Writing with Action

Author: Porter Abbott

Summary: "H. Porter Abbott explores the role of the personal diary ans its use as a literary strategy in a number of representative works in fiction.  He asserts that the device of a diary can give a work a unique literary reflexivity; the diary not only tells the tale but directly influences its development."


American Diaries 

Authors: T. Dreiser, T. Riggio, J.  West, and N. Westlake

Summary: "Intermittently during his literary career, Theodore Dreiser made notes of his daily activities, whether they were of major importance or simply trivial. This volume, containing all seven of his diaries, constitutes a revealing self-portrait as well as a valuable account of the American scene during the first quarter of this century."


Videos on this topic...


Dear Diary - Julia Friedman - TedxYouth



Writing Your Day As A Story -

 Storytelling Through Your Diary


Welcome to my Diary


Dear Diary - Day 41 - 45

Where is Anne Frank, Trailer

Bridget Jones Diary

Vampire Diaries

"Diary" - Alicia Keys with Jermaine Paul


Have you ever had a Diary?

Feel free to comment on this blog.

Posted by J. Presley, Systems Management Librarian

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