Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Let's Celebrate the Faculty and Librarians at Chestnut Hill College on World Teacher's Day 2021!


October 5th marks the annual event of  "World Teacher's Day!"  Logue library would like to acknowledge this great occasion by recognizing the hard work of the Faculty and Logue Librarians of the CHC Community. 

According to the website, Internationaleventsdays.com, "The Theme of World Teachers' Day 2021 is "Teachers at the heart of education recovery."  The United Nations (UNESCO) presented this theme fro teachers' day in respect of their determined and diligent efforts in the crucial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic."

World Teacher;'s Day has been in existence since 1994.  Today marks the 27th Anniversary and Logue Library would like to thank the Faculty who prepare the students to be successful in their future careers.  

It does not matter if the students are recent high school graduates or coming back to college after years on the workforce, the Faculty and Librarians here are ready to help the students from the Undergraduate, Accelerated and Graduate divisions to succeed! 

Consequently, CHC's Education department's Faculty will continue to instruct future teachers on the necessary topics to prepare their careers!

If you want to see some World Teachers Day Statistics, click here.!

Now, about Logue Library:

The Librarians are available to teach students to navigate through the library website.  Furthermore, we can provide assistance regarding  searching the databases for books or peer-reviewed articles.

Here is our Dean for Library and Information Resources, Sister Mary Jo Larkin, teaching a class in Logue Reference Room



Below are videos on the topic of, "World Teacher Day," along with testimonial for Chestnut Hill College's students.


 YouTube Videos based on this subject of "World Teacher's Day"






 CHC Student's Testimony of appreciation of CHC Faculty.....


                        CHC Students share their experiences

Early Education at Chestnut Hill College, Kim

              The Science Department - Chestnut Hill College

Chestnut Hill College changed my Life!  Jackie's story


                    Finish Your Degree at Chestnut Hill College

 Emma's story - Chestnut Hill College

  History Major at Chestnut Hill College


 Environmental Sciences at Chestnut Hill College

Is there a CHC Faculty or Logue Librarian that was helpful to you?

Do you remember a teacher from your past that influenced you?

Feel free to comment on this blog.


Posted by J. Presley, Systems Management Librarian


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